Thursday, December 3, 2009

Prince of Tides till page 578

Since my last post, i've read more than 300 pages, and that makes a big difference. Now that I am near the end of the book, everything is coming together. We see why Savannah is having all of her troubles, her seeing dead dogs, hanging from meathooks and dead angels wispering to kill herself. We find out that Savannah has written under the name of Renata Halpern, which she was going to use as an alter ego when she was going to run away to California. We find out more about the Wingo family's history together, how their father beat them, how their mother was a psycho lunatic, how the 3 children's relationship with each other forms and how their grandfather is a crazy, religious nut job.
During the duration of this book, there are many stories told by Tom to Dr. Susan Lowenstien. The most important story of all is about a night on their island. This story stands out to me personally because it seems to explain where everything went wrong in their world. It starts with the family sitting in their living room, watching Tv, when they see a report about three men who escaped from prison. Then, the doorbell rings and Tom answers it. He opens the door to see Callanwolde, the man who tried to rape their mother, and two other men. They barge into the house. Callanwolde takes their mother to the back room, one man takes Savannah to the back room, Luke runs away and Tom is taken by the other man right there in the living room. As Tom, Lila and Savannah are being damaged, Luke runs to their pet Tiger's cage (they got a tiger when their father bought it from a traveling circus). Luke lets the Tiger rip the men apart, right in their living room. Afterwords, the mother tells the children to clean up everything, dispose of the bodies and the truck they used to come to their house with. Lila tells them all to never speak of what happened there.
This is what upsets me. All of these horrors happen to them and their mother's nature is to just ignore it! That is why this family is so messed up! As seen elsewhere in the book, Lila, their mother chooses to ignore everything bad that happens to them. I can't wait until I finnish this book. It's full of conflicts and problems and I can't wait until the ones that I want to be solved are solved. 9.99999/10

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