Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dandilion wine 78-239

Dandilion wine is a very descriptive, multilayered, well written book. The book is about the summer of Douglas Spaulding, a 13 year old who experiences many sad events happen over his summer. The book takes place in Green Town, Illinois. Over his summer of 1928, Douglas retells the sad and unhappy, sometimes happy events of his summer. Some of his depressing tales include a story about an old woman who is confronted by a group of children, and eventualy is convinced that she was never a young girl. Another tale is that of another old woman who meets a man in his late 20's. They fall in love and talk everyday for a couple of weeks. Then, the old lady dies and the man kills himself. There are happy stories, like when Douglas buys a pair of sneakers, which he has never had before, and runs all through town. He then realizes that he is alive and that every thing around him is a blessing. Even though that may sound sappy and unreadable, this is a great book for Ray Bradbury fans and Literature fans alike.

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