Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dandilion wine 19-78

The more and more i read this book, the more and more i love it. My favorite part about Bradbury's style of writing is that he seems to go on these poetic, descriptive rants. He starts to talk about, let's say, how this one old man in the town loves to cut his own grass, and he goes on a 3 page rant about the summer and grass. Now, I don't find this annoying at all. I think that this is a very interesting thing. The way that Bradbury does it is, i think, something that not all writers, even the most talented ones can do. One of my favorite "rants" from these chapters is when Lena Auffman is describing Leo Auffman's machine to him. To give you some background, Leo Auffman got an idea to build a happieness machine, something that would make everyone happy. He spent a long time working on it and he had finally finished it. His wife, Lena, decided to try it out and when she came out, she started to cry. Bradbury then writes this whole long speech about how all of the happieness made her sad. He called it a "sadness machine" because of all of the sadness that Lena Auffman experienced while inside the machine.

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