Thursday, November 5, 2009

Quarterly Reveiw Time!

I noticed that this quarter, my blogs have been rather short. Especially in the beginning of the year. They got longer and longer as i got used to writing in my blog. I only read two books (excluding Clockwork Orange) this quarter, but i think that i have a liking for books that are not really science fiction, but are set in the reall world, not in like, space, on a starship, or something. I really like the book blogging experience. It's a way for me to describe my thoughts on a book that I'm reading, even though I don't have many thoughts on what I'm reading. I have a few goals for next quarter, in terms of reading and blogging. First off, I need to write more, in my opinion. Most of the time, I would write my blog, publish it, and then all of a sudden, before 5th period, I would remember this inner monologue that I had in my head as I was reading the book. Secondly, I would like to read more books. I would like to be reading more often then I do now. I don't read as often as I would want to because of large amounts of homework (including Dante diaries) and drama club, which is 4 hours a day. I've also noticed, after reading my blogs that I'm not that interesting a writer. I would like to make myself a bit more interesting when I write my blogs.

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