Thursday, January 7, 2010

Review of The Film Club by David Gilmour

It is every once and a while that I stumble onto a memoir as great as this. The Film Club is about a father, whose son is horribly failing school and has no academic interest whatsoever, lets his son drop out of high school on one condition: He has to watch 3 movies per week at his father's choice. Normally I would pick up this book and go, "wow, that's a stupid thing to do" and walk away. But that day was different. That day I decided to go against my gut instinct to avoid this book and I was completely right, this book was very enjoyable. The best part about the whole book is their discussions about the movies after and during the viewing. Being a semi-movie buff, I found those conversations to be extremely interesting. The father and son watch a total of 122 movies, including 2 television shows. There is a list in the back of the book and I want to make it my duty as a certified couch potato to watch all of the movies on that list that I have not seen (97). Over all, The Film Club was a very enjoyable and interesting memoir of the life of Jesse and David Gilmour.

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