Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife (part two)

The more I read this book, the less I remember that this is a romance book about a time traveler. Is that weird? (the answer is yes by the way). There was one scene from this week's reading that really struck me. There was a part where Henry was telling Claire about how he hates Christmas because that's the day that his mother died. They were in the car and they crashed into a truck with it's back door/platform thing down. They crashed the car into the door/platform thing and it decapitated his mother. Henry, right before impact, time traveled 2 seconds into the past, on the grass right next to the crash. He was 6 years old. However sad that may be, the real tragedy is that for the next 10 years or so, Henry time travels back to that same place and time, over and over and over and over again. Also, he doesn't just go back to the same spot, he time travels to a bunch of different places around the crash, so that he sees it from every possible angle. I read this part on Monday and I still can't believe that such a thing could come from a human mind.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard about this book, and right away was not interested in this because i right away thought it was cheesy romance book. But after reading your summary it seems to have more to it.
