Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (part uno)

So, here is what I think happened to create this book. There was a woman who never saw any of the terminator movies, never got a full synopsis of the story, and all of her knowledge of the movie was references to it in pop culture. Then, she decides to write a book about what she thinks the terminator is. Then, some other woman reads the book and thinks, "oh, this is cute. But it should be a sappy love story!" Then a book is produced that is pretty much fan-fiction of a book written by someone who kinda-sorta knows what the terminator is. That is what I think happened to create The Time Traveler's Wife. So far, there is a guy named Henry who, due to some genetic deformity, spontaneously travels to different places in time and meets either himself at different ages, or his love, Claire, at different ages. That's all I can really tell from what I read so far. My mom recommended this book to me so it probably is going to be horrible. I keep trying to convince myself that this is going to be a good book because they made a movie out of it (this is bad logic though, because Twilight was made into a movie.....just saying).

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