Thursday, March 11, 2010

Callisto by Torsten Krol and beginning of Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif

To say the least, Callisto was exactly what I expected it to be....readable. Not only was it readable, but it was a good book too. I finnished it a while ago, so it's not that fresh in my mind, but I can still remember exactly everything that happened. Callisto is about a southern man named Odell Deefus who, whilst on his way to sign up for the us army in Callisto Tennessee, ends up on a crazy adventure which lands him on the FBI's top ten list. The book takes place in the early post 9-11 years, so security was very high and there was a lot of talk of terrorists. Odell is suspected of being a terrorist after a series of events, which to try to explain without revealing any important plot details would be impossible, makes him a terrorist suspect and lands him a lot of publicity. This book was written by the same author who wrote The Dolphin People, Torsten Krol. The reason I bought this book, his/her first book, the second being The Dolphin People, was because I loved the writing style of this author. I also like the subject matter of their stories. It is rumored that Torsten Krol's next book will be on the topic of Atheism, which, if true, I will read because I am interested in Atheism.
The book that I am currently reading is called Microbe Hunters. It is a book of stories of the different scientists who have accomplishments in the field of microbiology. The first story is of Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, the man who invented the first microscopes and discovered the first microorganisms. So far, this book, even though it is really long and hard to understand, has been very interesting/informative.

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