Thursday, March 25, 2010

book review response

Read the review of Torsten Krol’s “Callisto” which was written by Jack Pendarvis on April 10, 2009. The article was published in the New York Times. I really like this review, although it doesn’t offer a deep analysis or thoughts on the book. I agree with what Jack says when he says that Odell seems like he is a Bill Maher duplicate. He’s supposed to be that way. The character Odell is portrayed as is supposed to be a commentary on how ignorant and superior thinking Americans are, especially during the early post 9-11 era. I also like how he talked about how Odell’s voice is so fundamental of the book. His “Deefusisms” as he put them, are a very unique part of the book and is also a parody of what people called George Bush’s “bushisms”. What I most agree with is when Jack states that, “our identification with his clumsy charmer becomes at once the scariest and most appealing thing about the book.” Odell Deefus’ character is on the surface, stupid and dumb and nonsensical, but if you really look at his character, you can find a deep and complex figure who embodies the people of this country.

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