Thursday, October 1, 2009

The White Tiger pages 97-189

This weeks reading has really brought out the true nature of India's so-called "light" side. This part of the book takes place in New Delhi, India. The main character in the book is Balram, a servant driver to the owner of India's most wealthy coal company. This gives him an opportunity to go and experience the city. One scene that really stuck in my mind was the hit and run incident. Balram took his master, Ashok, and his wife, Pinky Madam, to a night club where they got really drunk. After waiting outside the night club for a really long time, the two of them some stumbling out of the night club and they want to go home. He began to drive them home when Pinky Madam requested that she drive, even though she was really, really, really drunk! He couldn't refuse her because it was against the rules to obey your master, even though Balram knew exactly what was going to go wrong and Ashok couldn't refuse because he was also really, really, really drunk. Then Pinky drove twice the speed limit towards home. She didn't even stop for red lights. All of a sudden, near home, she drove down a street and she ran over something. Balram recalls hearing the cracking of bones. At first everyone in the car thought that it was a dog or a cat or something. Then when Pinky drove back, they noticed that it was a little homeless child. The first thing that gets me is that even though Balram and Ashok both told Pinky that they should call an ambulance, She just drove the car all the way home. The thing that really gets me is that they decide to take it to court and put only Balram as a witness. That killed me! (ha ha! Get it? Like Holden in the Catcher in the Rye!!)

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